Correspondence should be addressed to Robyn Westmacott, Neuropsychology Clinic, 4F414, Toronto Western Hospital, 399 Bathurst St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Email: robyn.westmacott@uhn.on.ca). This work was funded by Medical Research Council grant MA-6694 to MM and a Canadian Institutes of Health Research Doctoral Scholarship to RW. MF was supported by the Saul A.Silverman Family Foundation, Toronto, Canada, as part of a Canada International Scientific Exchange Program (CISEPO) project. SEB was supported by CIHR grant MT13129. This research was conducted as part of RW’s University of Toronto PhD thesis under the supervision of MM. We wish to thank the patients and their families for participating in this study, and to acknowledge gratefully the contributions of Gus Craik and Mary Pat McAndrews to this project. We also thank Matthew Lambon Ralph and one anonymous reviewer for their helpful comments and suggestions.