This document is Harley MSS. 6848, f. 152 recto. It has no date, but the subject matter provides the clue for an approximate time. Greenwood was examined on March 11, 1592/1593. He confessed that he was part author of three separate books which were showed unto him. One book was A Collection of Certaine Sclaunderous Articles Gyven Out by the Bishops, of which he wrote a portion. A second book was A Collection of Certain Letters and Conferences, of which he wrote a part. The third book was An Answere to George Gifford’s Pretended Defence of Read Praiers and Devised Litourgies. This work was written entirely by Greenwood and carried his name on the title-page, at the close of the preface, and on the final page. Therefore, this work was selected as undoubtedly by Greenwood, and from it were extracted some of the more extreme statements which could be used to prove the charge of seditious and slanderous words, in violation of 23 Elizabeth, chapter II, section 4.