When a woman is first pregnant care must be taken that nothing be named in her presence which cannot be had because if she shall ask for it and it not be given to her she has occasion for miscarrying. But if she should seek to have potter’s earth or chalk or coals, let beans cooked with sugar be given to her. When the time for parturition is imminent the woman should be bathed often; anoint her abdomen with olive oil or oil of violets and let her eat light and digestible foods. If her feet have swollen, let them be anointed with oil of roses and with vinegar. Instead of heavy foods let her eat quickly digested things like citrons and pomegranates. If her abdomen is distended with flatulence take three drams each of parsley seed, amoes, mint, mastic, garyophyllons, cardamon, roots of carrots, coffee, galangale, iris, and five drams of sugar; make a very fine powder and cook it all with honey; give three scruples1 to her with wine for this substance removes flatulence and prevents abortion if properly taken.