In Britain, the creation of cloned babies is forbidden under the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act, although, controversially, the creation of human embryos up to the age of 14 days is permitted for research and therapeutic development. Objections to cloning are predominantly ethical and religious, and for some human cloning is akin to taboos such as incest. Much contemporary science has a metaphysical background with radical utilitarian connotations: it is founded on the belief that utility should constitute the main criterion according to which we should guide the evolution and progress of scientific endeavours, but for many cloning is a highly emotive subject. The metaphysical, legal and ethical debates surrounding human cloning are complex and much public opinion has been influenced by uninformed media scaremongering. The plot of A Number allows Churchill to investigate fundamental questions about masculinity, the mystery of personal identity and to examine the widespread belief that there is a spiritual essence unique to every individual.