Commercial functions of Advertising—What Advertising will sell— How Advertising affects prices—Protection without a tariff— Advertising Policy defined—Considerations which dictate it— How Advertising maintains quality—Examples of Advertising Policy—Mistaken policy used by insurance advertisers—Advertising problems and problems solved by advertising—Unexpected profits in advertising—Advertisers must keep faith with the public—The three functions of Advertising: to create a new want; to increase the sale of an established product; to protect the advertiser against competition—Introducing a new invention: a practical example—Merchandising problems—Competing with an established product: example of Farrow's Mustard—Press Advertising to secure retail distribution—The Times Book Club-Maintaining demand for an advertised product—Advertising te increase consumption—Ideas more important than expenditure —Who pays for Advertising ?—Cost of Advertising—Exact methods of Advertising—Statistical devices used in Advertising— Use of graphs and charts—Ratio of Advertising to sales—The Curve of Pursuit.