This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on the concepts discussed in this book. This book is an exercise in aspirational theory. The face of the Other is the face of morality. The sex/gender themes that have emerged from time to time in this book need to be taken seriously. Withdrawal of projections, resistance to projections, and emancipation for a pernicious socio-culture will cause more need for mediation. Mediation is an avenue for learning as well as for dispute resolution. It can be augmented by personal practices of mindfulness, care and compassion Emmanuel Levinas describes an original responsibility everyone have towards autrui, in which the ego, to use Carl Jung's terminology and the sense in which author indicates, from the first is responsive to the Other. There are many ways of realising this responsibility. Education and learning is one avenue, but always, this has to be embedded in an understanding of how people lives are permeated by time and narrative.