January, ruled by the Roman god of doorways, Janus, is an important month because it is the first of the year. It is like the first chapter of a book, and indeed it is in this book! You open with so much anticipation and expectancy, not knowing where the story will lead, but hoping for the best. January is a month of optimism, and this should shine through in any learning activity that you undertake. Interestingly, Janus is a god of two faces. One looks back at the past, and the other faces forwards, looking out into the future. This sums up the power of this month and all its festivals. It's a time for new beginnings, a transitional period, where we move from one thing to another. We keep one eye on the past, so that we know where we've come from, but we also look to the future, so that we know where we're headed. Movement is key this month, and each festival listed below represents some kind of movement into a new era or cycle.