Many of the festivals this month have quirky customs and traditions that you can use in creative play. These traditions might have a deeper meaning, which becomes clear as you carry them out. As a society we need rituals to help us make sense of the world. By carrying out a physical action, we show our intent and back it up with the commitment of time and energy. So even the most bizarre rituals have their foundation in something deeper, a need to connect. Sometimes the custom seems far-fetched and unrelated to anything, but there is always a message lurking beneath. This can sometimes become obvious once we perform the ritual. For example, the Celts would clean their homes as part of an Imbolc ritual. The cleaning is not so important as the actual act of clearing things away. It sends a positive message that is linked to purification and preparation for the year ahead. With this in mind, the focus of this chapter is on rituals, the physical act of doing something which then leads us to a deeper understanding of the world.