The introductions of all but one of the official IAEA on-site inspection reports from Iraq indicate the number and nationalities of the inspectors. These specifications are missing from the on-site inspection report of IAEA 6, the document-search inspection. Robert Gallucci, who participated in IAEA 6, which was led by David Kay, calls the team a ‘very, very special’ one. The Action Team records list 45 participants, 28 of them from the US. The others were from the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, and three Arab countries. Only three participants, including Kay, were IAEA staff. One, Gallucci, was from UNSCOM. The rest, as Gallucci expresses it, were ‘special people with special skills’, that is, presumably from secret services. Gallucci recalls a remark by their Iraqi counterpart, Sami Al-Araji, that one of the inspectors ‘did not look like a physicist’ not only because of the ‘thick neck’, but also because of the ‘crew cut’.