See in Part I : Albert II, Charles IV, Charles the Bold of Burgundy, Conrad II, Conrad III, Conrad IV, Frederick Barbarossa, Frederick II, Frederick III, Henry I the Fowler (HRE), Henry II (HRE), Henry II the Wrangler of Bavaria, Henry III (HRE), Henry IV (HRE), Henry V (HRE), Henry VI (HRE), Henry VII (HRE), Henry the Lion, Henry Raspe of Thuringia, Herman of Luxembourg, John of Luxembourg, Lewis IV, Lothar III, Maximilian I, Otto I the Great, Otto II, Otto III, Otto IV, Ottokar I, Ottokar II, Prokop, Rienzi, Rudolf I, Sigismund, Wenceslas II, Wenceslas IV, William of Holland, William Tell.