The two sons of Actor and his wife Molione or, according to Homer, of Poseidon and Molione. Their names were Eurytus and Cteatus, and according to certain accounts, they were Siamese twins. Renowned for their great strength and valour, they took part in a siege of Pylos and in the Calydonian boar-hunt. Their greatest achievement was the war they fought on behalf of their uncle King Augeas of Elis against Heracles, who wished to punish Augeas for refusing to pay him a promised debt. They beat off Heracles’ army, killing his brother Iphicles and Dameon, son of Phlius. Heracles, supposedly ill at the time, had to withdraw. He later killed the Moliones treacherously by ambushing them as they were making their way to the Isthmian games, thus violating a sacred trust since at such times peace was declared to prevail.