The seven daughters of the Titan Atlas and the Oceanid Pleione. Their names were Maia (mother of Hermes by Zeus), Electra (mother of Dardanus and Iasion by Zeus), Taygete (mother of Lacedaemon by Zeus), Celaeno (mother of Lycus by Poseidon), Alcyone (mother of Hyrieus, Hyperenor, and Aethusa by Poseidon), Sterope (mother of Oenomaus by Ares), and Merope (who bore Glaucus to a mortal, Sisyphus). Some sources asserted that Electra married a mortal, Corythus, who may have been the father of her sons. According to another story, Artemis turned Taygete into a hind in order to help her to avoid Zeus’ attentions, and this was the Cerynitian hind which Heracles hunted for a year and then brought back to Eurystheus.