King of the Dryopes and father of Hylas. Heracles picked a quarrel with him, demanding a fine ox he was using to plough a field. When Theodamas refused, Heracles killed him and carried off Hylas.

The beautiful daughter of Bisaltes, who gave his name to a Thracian tribe living on the River Strymon. Poseidon fell in love with her and, since she had many suitors, carried her off to an island. The suitors, however, instituted a search for her and discovered her whereabouts. To foil their plans, therefore, Poseidon turned her and the islanders into sheep, and when the suitors began to eat the sheep, he transformed the eaters into wolves. He himself became a ram, mating with Theophane and fathering a lamb which turned out to have a fleece of gold. This lamb grew into the talking, flying ram which Nephele sent to save Phrixus and Helle from Ino’s wiles; its fleece was later sought and won by Jason and the Argonauts in Colchis.