Daughter of Talaus and Lysimache. When Polynices and the Seven Champions undertook the war against Thebes, she was appointed to arbitrate between her husband the seer Amphiaraus and her brother Adrastus, king of Athens. Adrastus, the leader of the expedition, wanted Amphiaraus to join it, but the latter knew through his powers of prophecy that it would fail, and that he himself, if he joined it, would perish. However, Polynices bribed Eriphyle to decide in favour of Adrastus by giving her the necklace of his ancestress Harmonia, Cadmus’ wife. Amphiaraus had sol emnly forbidden Eriphyle to accept any gifts from Polynices; and now, knowing that he was going to die, he made his children swear that they would avenge their father and go out themselves, in due course, to conquer Thebes.