EDUARDO ALMEIDA NAVEDA The economic crisis which has ravaged Ecuador since 1995 worsened in 2000,

after popular movements successfully lobbied for the resignation of President

Janil Mahual, which led to a 500% devaluation and the replacement of the

national currency, the sucre, by the US dollar in an attempt to slow down

the ever-increasing rate of inflation. The social, economic and cultural crisis

has deepened over the years and has sparked the emigration of large

populations to various destinations in Europe and the United States, an exodus

that has traumatised an increasing number of divided families. This form of

forced emigration is progressing at an accelerated rate, and is following in the

footsteps of neighbouring countries who have experienced similar crises as a

result of the changes arising from the shake-up in the global economy and

the inadequate response of national economies to these changes.