MALOU JACOB Stage Directors Anton Juan and Nonon Padilla have dominated Philippine

theatre with their extraordinary creative work for decades, season after season

up to the present. Juan, who is with the 26 year old Dulaang University Players,

went to the Centre Universitaire International de Formation et des Recherches

Dramatiques in Nancy for higher studies in theatre under Michelle

Kokossowski, Augusto Boal, Radu Penciulescu (Grotowsky School), Dario Fo,

and Donatello Sartori. He also studied Butoh with Kazuo Ohno, and Noh

Theatre at the Kita School under Takabayashi Sensei. His memorable

productions include: Medea, Bacchae, The Maids, Miss Julie, Marat/Sade, Waiting

for Godot, Yerma and Death in the Form of a Rose.