Attributing her success almost entirely to chance, Susan Sarandon, even more than Meryl Streep, seems to subscribe to the Hollywood myth that stardom is based on magical circumstance. Streep only believes her acting comes from a magical place, whereas Sarandon claims her whole career magically materialized. According to Sarandon, she began acting only because she thought, “This is easy and fun and I’ll pay off my school debts.” 1 She failed to take her career seriously, not because she lacked ambition, but rather because she says she always approached acting as

A means to an end but not an end in itself … It’s not something I dreamt about becoming and then dedicated myself to and struggled for. It happened very quickly, and I thought it was a lark for at least ten or fifteen years. I wouldn’t even call myself an actress for a long time because it seemed so silly.