A determined effort was made by the right-wing extremist PanGerman association (Alldeutscher Verband) to win over the Wandervogel. In June 1902, and again in the following year, they took part as guests in the Alldeutsche solstice festival near Berlin. Professor Forster, one of the leading anti-semites of the day, who had a son in the Wandervogel, talked at great length and with much eloquence about the detrimental influence of the Jews. Whether he made a great impact on his audience is not known; there is reason to believe that some of Forster’s theses were accepted while the more extreme statements were disregarded. We know that Jahn, Lagarde, and Langbehn were Karl Fischer’s favourite political authors, and Copalle says that he and his friends knew all the nationalist and volkische writers1 such as Lagarde, Langbehn, Chamberlain, Gobineau, Bartels, Ammon, Sohnrey, Lienhard, and many others.