In the market-place of Kashgar is the largest mosque in the city, and so we may say that in the bazaar is the focus of the spiritual life of the place; are debated infractions of the Shariat, and such events as the loss of goloshes during the hour of prayer by some absent-minded Moslem, too attentively concentrated upon his devotions. One effect of the establishment of the Russian Consulate in Kashgar was the cessation of these public executions and mutilations, and in general the diminution of cruelty, but now, with the development of "national consciousness" the Chinese pay less and less attention to the opinion of Europe on these matters. The thieves of Kashgar were not afraid to burgle even the palace of the redoubtable Ti Tai himself. Murders for gain are fairly common, but in this part of China there were no bands of brigands or professional highway robbers.