On Shirkuh's third expedition to Egypt, Nureddin gave him a grant of 200,000 dinars, with arms and animals, allowed him to select 2,000 troopers from his regular regiments (askar), and made a spedal grant to each of these of 20 dinars for the expenses incurred in preparing for the expedition. 1 With his grant Shirkuh hired 6,000 Turkmen cavalry, probably from the Yaruqi tribe, since their commander was Aineddawla Yaruqi. 2 To these 8,000 horsemen were added Shirkuh's own regiment, which he maintained as feudal lord of Hims, consisting of 500 mamluks and Kurds, 3 and perhaps an unspecified number of auxiliaries. After the occupation of Egypt he “distributed the land in fiefs to the regular troops (askaris) who had come with him,” 4 at the same time maintaining the existing rights of the Egyptian officers. 5