Roland Barthes asserts that scholars literary institutions privilege conventional ways of thinking about and writing literature which separates writers from readers. Barthes maintains that a writerly text will allow a reader to actively create the text, someone who "constructs" the work. This notion of layered voices speaking simultaneously helps us understand two kinds of texts—readerly and writerly—and these two categories help us understand a range of works that expect something different of a reader. The writerly text gives "access to the magic of the signifier, to the pleasure of writing". Roland Barthes wrote the short essay "The Death of the Author", asserting that there is one place where this multiplicity is focused and that place is the reader, not, as was hitherto said, the authors. The authors note that Barthes associates writerly texts with pleasure, and in The Pleasure of the Text, Barthes distinguishes between two kinds of pleasure: plaisir and jouissance, often translated as pleasure and bliss.