A misapplied military solution produced the unintended consequences of the BH insurgency. In Chapter 1 we narrated the Customs Roundabout massacre of June 11th, 2009. On July 26th, 2009, angry sect members attacked Dutsen Tashi Police Division and they were easily repelled. The military option ensured victories in Kano, Yobe and ultimately in the Battle of Maiduguri which was personally supervised by Maj. Gen. Saleh Maina then General Officer Commanding 3 Division Nigeria Army. Gen. Maina carried out President Umar Musa Yar’Adua’s directive to put down the rebellion. Yusuf was captured by the army, questioned in a video-taped session and turned over to the police authorities. Some angry policemen extra-judicially murdered Yusuf and Alhaji Buji Foi on July 30th, 2009. They also murdered another 700 Boko Haram members who were in detention.