We have [i] in the weak prefixes 1M-, de-, re--, pre-, thus partly already H 1569; OE be-is really a weakened form of hi > by; in EE we often find the spelling bllCiJuse. Examples: before believe. deliver. declare [dilkIE'a] (but [e] in ,decla'ration on account of the secondary stress) . reNt. receive (but [e] in ttCO'Uect, ,repe'titiOft, etc.) . prefer prepare (but [e] in ,prepa'ratWn).-We have new formations with long and fully stressed re: re-cover ['ri"kAV9] 'cover again', different from recover [ri'kAvaJ 'get bac'k' etc., see Growth and Struct. p. 117 and vol. VI 28.2.