Understanding the reasoning behind the analyst's recommendation that psychoanalysis is the treatment of choice involves different problems for different people. One woman, knowledgeable about psychoanalysis, had psychoanalysis in mind before the consultation and chose to consult a psychoanalyst she hoped would be available to treat her. For her, the analyst's recommendation was a confirmation of her own opinion, an acceptance of her personal suitability, and a general relief. Another person, minimally knowledgeable about different treatment methods, simply went to talk with an expert about his difficulties in coping. It came as a relief that the analyst believed he could be helped. And he even accepted the idea of a kind of treatment that would enable him to discover, comprehend, and master unconscious emotional conflicts that underlay his difficulties. But he was startled by the investment in time and money the treatment entailed, especially the length of time it would take. He was also perplexed about the whole process of

free association, the couch, and the conceptualization of how his problem would be dealt with that was outlined to him.