Adelaida Garcia Morales, originally from Badajoz, became well known in the 1980s, when the celebrated film director, Victor Erice, based his very well received film, El Sur, on a novella by her of the same name, as yet unpublished. This is a full-length novel set in Seville and narrated by Elvira, a single woman in her forties, working as a geography teacher in Madrid. She has come back to her home town, having received a telegram from her brother Diego’s friend, Pablo, saying that Diego is dead. However, when she arrives in Seville, she meets others from his social circle, including the putative vampire of the story, Alfonso; and Diego’s former girlfriend, Mara, who alleges Pablo’s unreliability and melodramatic character. Garcia Morales chooses to set her vampire story wholly in Spain and populate it with Spaniards: no Transylvanians or other sinister foreigners are depicted contaminating the population of Seville.