Chapter 1 serves as an introduction to the book and its concepts. Taking the widest view of a “professional” as covering not just traditional professionals, but all who have any kind of working relationship with others, the chapter considers how professionals can be more effective by having a better understanding of the behaviour of others as well as themselves.

It introduces concepts that are further developed in the book, including professional and personal authenticity, being aware of people’s expectations, avoiding some professional pitfalls such as the use of jargon and unwittingly patronising people, and how clients and patients are increasingly unwilling to accept insensitive professional attitudes.

It briefly considers the helping and healing professions and reflects on why others that have a “helping” nature are not included in this definition.

All chapters, including this one, end with a further reading section listing some books relevant to the matters covered in the chapter. In this way, each chapter introduces concepts and ideas and invites readers to delve more deeply into them.