Professionals need to consider what support they need for their work – whether working alone or in an organisation.

This may involve working in teams; or support may take the form of supervision, consultancy, coaching or mentoring.

Sometimes support is particularly necessary or helpful. One such situation is not uncommon but by its nature it is not acknowledged: self-doubt, the secret fear of not being good enough (“the Achilles Syndrome”). Others include stress (very common), anxiety (also common) and depression.

Other issues indicating support include addiction, inappropriate levels of anger and perfectionism where it moves towards obsessive compulsive disorder.

Relationship issues may arise in work or personal situations and may need help.

And in some cases people’s personality traits or their disabilities such as autism may require particular support – which may be clients, colleagues or professionals themselves.

Support may be needed for practical issues or for reassessing one’s life path. Some of the available options and approaches are considered.