Angelique's narrative as presented in this chapter is a genetic phenomenological analysis of her experiences and how they were constituted, going back to their beginnings, and a synthesis of the constituents of Angelique's individual structure of suffering, based upon her own descriptions. Empathy is a core, essential, and invariant constituent of the Maternal for Angelique, with its roots in her early childhood development. The mystical and Maternal character of Angelique's faith in God provides her with spiritual nurturance and support, as well as comfort and security. Angelique expresses a Maternal, caring attitude toward her great-granddaughter, and shows openness and receptivity to her. Angelique's story shows a dynamic opposition between the home as a fundamentally positive, supporting constituent of the Maternal Ground and as a realm of suffering and impoverishment located outside the Maternal and experienced as alien, even potentially threatening. Angelique's testimony provides an in-depth portrait of suffering and its relationship to human development over the life course.