In this chapter, the author focuses on the narrative of Peter, an older adult man-in the young-old age range-who struggled with advanced illness, complex wounds and chronic pain, as well as several other men who were chronically wounded. Peter presented with medically complex wounds and chronic pain, as well as impaired skin integrity in the lower extremities and a history of substance abuse. Peter's medical needs involved complex care because of an advanced illness process and necrotic skin from ulcerations on his lower extremities that caused him unbearable pain at times. Peter gave very graphic descriptions of the chronic and unbearable pain he suffered through these ordeals, and how his pain affected his emotional, mental and spiritual health: He didn't want to live no more. By recovery, the author means not only the partial healing of physical wounds which were previously evaluated as leaving no option but amputation, but also recovery of an emotional, social and spiritual character as well.