Dr. Jung

We got as far with our dream as the meaning of the names Michel and Jalaubout, and now we come to the next point, the arrangement of this new enterprise, this branch business. You remember the dreamer said that he was explaining to an employee that the firm would be arranged as a compte-joint. A joint account is, as the name expresses, a very close connection. The new branch is almost integrated into his former business; the two firms, that is, are partially incorporated with each other. That gives us a certain hint. You may remember a former dream in which it was indicated that his psychology was split up into what we called compartments. Here he joins another firm and incorporates a new branch into his former business in a very intimate way, and you can be sure that this new enterprise has been in him for a long time, but in a sort of air-tight compartment which has now to be opened up. The two different tendencies are coming together; we have here the first sign that they are blending. He is a man who likes to have compartments for different parts of his psychology; he puts certain things in one drawer and other things into another, in the hope that they will never touch. But in that former dream he already began to show these different compartments to his wife, in other words, to make her acquainted with the different sides of his own personality. And he here makes a new and very serious attempt to organize those different sides in a business-like manner.