This chapter discusses the archaeological and genealogical investigations of Michel Foucault and the discussions of metascience by Gerard Radnitzsky. Foucault has been concerned with critical examinations of a number of the discursive logoi institutions and practices of Europe, particularly with constructions of their histories and with how these historiographie efforts are conceived and carried out. The fruitfulness of the criticist frame is brought to focus in the characterization of the angle of view of the Radnitzsky theory of research: it involves what he terms a praxiological perspective, one that 'views the research enterprise as a system of actions of stratagems, moves, etc'. An approach that is corrective moves beyond criticism to reconstruction: 'the most severe and effective criticism of a society is self-conscious practice which transforms it'. Rarenga's proposed correctives for these problems take us to the heart of the discussion regarding the move from Black Studies to Africology as a discipline.