If your school is among those districts still providing recess, make the most of it! Recess is a great time for students to get exercise and expend pent-up energy. Of course, when all that energy lets loose, recess also can become a “great” time for tempers to flare and arguments to escalate. To head off problems during recess, get students active in organized play. They are less likely to stir up arguments when games with rules guide their playground freedom. Other preventative measures include:

Supply activity-based, portable equipment, such as balls of various shapes and sizes, jump ropes, Hula Hoops, beanbags, and sidewalk chalk.

Circulate during recess to interact informally with students and check on their interactions with one another.

Serve as a referee during games to help provide an objective view and keep tempers in check.

Develop a procedure for getting students’ attention in order to quickly exit the playground and return to the classroom.

It is important to remember that recess is for your students, not you. Though it is tempting to talk with your peers at that time, your job is to keep students safe by constantly circulating and observing. It is your responsibility to monitor your class at all times. For more recess related information, also see Playground Preparedness Bag.