The extensive use of social media and cell phones means that the reach of bullying is far more pervasive than in the school hallways or on playgrounds. It’s a serious problem and, as a role model to students, you can impact prevention and intervention. First know your school district’s policy regarding cyberbullying; there can be legal ramifications. Also become familiar with your school’s prevention program—prevention is the best remedy. Model respectful behaviors and apply the following community building and prevention strategies (Strom & Strom, 2005). Develop community, prevent bullying

Establish a no-teasing policy. Help students understand the negative impact of teasing.

Work continually to create a welcoming classroom climate where students feel like they belong.

Remind students that name-calling, eye-rolling, or laughing at peers will not be tolerated in your classroom.

Develop a glossary of words students are not to use when they talk about one another.

Teach and model conflict resolution strategies and have students practice them in specific activities. Skills needed include: (a) ability to develop alternative solutions to a problem; (b) understanding of the connection between means and ends; (c) capacity to assess consequences of an action or decision; and (d) capability of selecting the best solution to a problem (Broadbear & Broadbear, 2000).