If you have a bad attitude about something, ask yourself if you can change the situation or problem. Take action if you can, but most of the time you’ll have to live with the external environment as it is. Your attitude is your reaction to your own beliefs, and your beliefs can be changed. So change your thoughts and beliefs, and your attitude will change. If you choose to believe that your life is over, that you have no future, that no one will like you, or that you are somehow defective, you will have a sad, bitter attitude. If you choose to believe, however, that you count in this world, that some people will be attracted to you and appreciate you for what you’ve been through, that you have an illness but you as a person aren’t flawed, and that your future is what you make it with the resources you possess, your attitude will be positive, optimistic, and dynamic. Only you can change your attitude by changing your beliefs, and that makes attitude a choice!