Escape of my men in Baddu—Warning to Mr Walker—Buddu refugees make for the capital—Chiefs refuse help—I compel them to go— Ashe's complaints — Position of Ferag — Arrives safely — Missionary claims—Escape of Bagge and Kühne—Return from Bukoba in safety— Import of arms by priests—Mlondo and Futabangi—Sekibobo makes for Buddu—His magnanimous conduct—My protégée Malia—Sekibobo defeated—Reddie in danger in Usoga—Wakoli loyal—Mohammedans checkmated—Make overtures for peace—I offer peace or war, and watch frontier— Wa-Fransa still threaten—A king wanted—Discussions with priests—Strengthen Kampala—Decide to defend Namuimba's island.