“i had a dream last night which feels quite important. I want to tell you about it,” Michael (whom we met earlier) begins the hour with emphasis and excitement. “I had gone to see Dr. L, but it was about some kind of abnormal, pigmented growth on my face. I guess that means that he was a dermatologist or facial surgeon, I thought of saying ‘face doctor.’ He or we thought that it was a good idea to remove it even though, I think, he said that it was not malignant. I don’t think that I consulted with anyone else but went right to see this woman. She was a nurse. She said that she was from Latvia or Lithuania when I asked about her accent. She also told me that she had a sister living in some other country and that Geneva was like their shared city. This had something to do with my bringing up Switzerland, but I don’t know what.” Michael and I have often talked of his verdant and idyllic image of Switzerland as a place of forested hills and lovely rivers.