In Vilfredo Pareto's classification of the types of nonlogical actions, class 3 was described as "yes-no": objective relation of means to ends, but no subjective relation. The reference was to directly adapted actions of the instinctive type which did not give rise to rationalizations, theories, and justifications. Pareto sometimes speaks as if residues and sentiments were one and the same. ppetite is a desire for something; insofar as an individual has an appetite for a certain thing and satisfies this appetite without discussion, controversy, or explanation, there is no occasion to concern ourselves with residues. Pareto could then trace certain residues; whereas if you content yourself with eating well, without verbal manifestations, as it were, you remain outside the field of study. A man whose objective is to seize power has an interest in mind, behaves in an interested manner, and this kind of behavior differs from non-logical behavior determined by residues.