The triangular trade became the linchpin of British mercantilism. All of Jamaica's top families maintained close connections with commission agents and/or banks in London. England's insular nature worked as a barrier to any but the hardiest of Jewish merchants before the Norman Conquest in 1066. Farrakhan's scholars concede nothing about the Jews of England, stressing instead the involvement of insurance underwriters, stockbrokers and merchants, all of whom profited from the "invisible" aspect of the slave trade. Korn's citations from the invoice books of the Royal African Company are flawed because they do not list the total number of ships, let alone a complete number of slaves on all boats coming to the Indies during the fifty years under examination. The original British contingent to Barbados in 1627 consisted of 80 whites and 10 blacks. The lot of Jews in Jamaica was virtually identical with that of those on Barbados.