In a letter of July 1782 to his friend Hamann, Herder writes this about Goethe:

So he is now Wirklicher Geheimer Rat, President of the Chamber [of finance], President of the War Commission, Inspector of Building, down to the building of roads, and in addition directeur des plaisirs, Court poet, author of pretty festivities, Court operas, ballets, costumes for masked balls, inscriptions, works of art, etc., Director of the Academy of Drawing, where during the winter he has been giving lectures on osteology, leading actor everywhere, leading dancer, in short the Weimar factotum and, with God’s bounty, soon to be the Major-domo of all the Courts of the Ernestine succession, which he visits to receive their adoration. He has been ennobled and his elevation is to be announced on his birthday. He has moved from his garden into the town where he holds court in the grand manner, has readings, which will soon be transformed into assemblies, etc., etc.... With all this, government affairs have to look after themselves....