Islam will return to Europe as a conqueror, this time by da`wah and not Jihad— Yousif al-QaradawiWhen Columbus reached America he encountered Arabic-speaking natives. The Central Intelligence Agency's operatives poured on the Mujahidin al-Afghan three billion dollars to undertake jihad war against the Soviet Union. A fanatical type of militant Islam took hold in Afghanistan, which became the University of Jihad, leading to a reign of evil and terrorism by preaching, promoting and developing a highly puritanical form of militant Islam. The jihad became the current coin of revolutionary fanatic Islam. The ideological-religious linkage between the successes of Iran and Afghanistan and the emergence of the Apocalyptic Global Jihad Groups is also related to the role of jihadfatawat issued by the Muslim exegetes (`ulamaa) as a compulsory personal duty concerning the war on the infidels. Al-Qa'idah has declared jihad on the United States because of its occupation of the Islamic holy lands in general, and Saudi Arabia (Bilad al-Haramain) in particular.