In the history of psychoanalysis, Sandor Ferenczi's name is synonymous with active therapy. In his biography of Sigmund Freud, Jones says of Ferenczi, "He had a warm and lovable personality and a generous nature. The fundamentals of psychoanalytic technique have undergone little essential alteration since the introduction of Freud's "fundamental rule". Psychoanalysis is a procedure whose most prominent characteristic is passivity. The period of the Josef Breuer-Freud cathartic procedure represented a phase of marked activity on the part of the doctor as well as on that of the patient. The doctor made the greatest efforts to revive the memories relating to the symptoms and made use of every assistance that the procedures of waking or hypnotic suggestion put at his disposal. More knowledge of the decisive significance which the distribution of the libido has for the formation of neurotic symptoms helped Freud to another method of procedure.