If we suppose various families together with stray individuals to be wrecked on a desert island, we can understand how, finding themselves in a common predicament, they will sometimes cooperate and sometimes quarrel; and then leaders will spontaneously appear who by the force of their words and actions will secure the obedience or acquiescence of their companions. A government will thus have arisen. Its function will not be to defend the territory, which is not being attacked, nor to build houses or occupy lands, since everyone will be quick to do so for himself in his own fashion. No one will have had prior possession of the soil, or will put forth ideal prerogatives as a prophet. The function of this government will be only to control such voluntary cooperation as there may spring up among the people and to settle their contentions by natural equity or common law. Individuals and families will look after themselves, and government will interfere with them only when they interfere with one another. It will have nothing to govern except the People.