This chapter attempts to show the parallel data for men for some of the issues raised for the women. Some of the data in this chapter comes from direct observation of the !Kung men, from the women's reports on their husbands, and some by R. B. Lee. The chapter begins with data on physical development. At the ages when young women are having their first marriages, the !Kung would consider it impossible for a boy to marry. The author's impression is that the young men attempt with varying degrees of success to be accepted as lovers by the young women. The chapter looks at the differential rates of reproductive success for men, though their parity distribution, and shows to what extent that distribution is different from that of the women due to polygamy. It utilizes the estimates of both fertility and mortality from the pre-1950 period for the women, but combined pre-1950 mortality with fertility estimates for the 1963–1973 period for the men.