In this chapter the author ends the study by reviewing the events in the process of social change that have affected the lives of the Dobe !Kung between 1968 and 2000, and focuses especially on the consequences of those changes for the recent and probable future demography of the !Kung. The author recalls hearing that Lorna Marshall attempted a system in the 1950s of issuing numbered metal name tags to !Kung, for identification purposes in carrying out her research, which could be worn on a string around the neck. A single stable population model provides a framework for assessing the plausibility of the descriptions of the population that we have. The author models the changes in the population over time with the use of a convenient computer program, IPSS (Wicks, 1989), which differs from AMBUSH (Lehotay and Howell, 1976), the program used in the earlier part of this study, in that it is what we call a deterministic macrosimulation, rather than a stochastic macrosimulation.