It is only natural that as we enter the twentieth century, we take one last look at the past, at the nineteenth century that has already become a part of history. We need to offer a brief account of what we were in the last century; of what we are now; and a prediction of what we will become in the future. […] The nineteenth century, in terms of national-historical knowledge, is a very important period; [it is] during this time [that] the legendary, romantic tendencies—little by little—made way for a more realistic orientation; the cradling wistfulness of poetry [made way] for an inexorable, sobering reality. Our childish knowledge is reaching adolescence, looking around, becoming familiar, making comparisons, and suddenly our previously self-satisfied numbness is succeeded first by suspicion, then by research and disillusionment, which in the end leads to calm self-recognition, and clears the way for ardent activity.—S. Malkhasyants