Having read through the descriptions of the global leader competencies in the previous chapters, at this point you no doubt better appreciate why our research found that 80 percent of companies feel that they do not have enough global leaders for their ambitions. Not everyone has these capabilities and they cannot be created overnight. Nonetheless, we still encounter people who feel that the number we found is too high and believe that demand cannot outdistance supply that badly. However, our data are not the only ones to show that the supply of global leaders significantly lags demand. A 2011 study by DDI of over 2,600 organizations across 74 countries similarly found that roughly 80 percent of the HR professionals surveyed believed they had inadequate leader bench strength to meet their companies’ future global business needs. 1 A 2012 survey of more than 800 business executives working in 35 markets found that nearly 70 percent did not have confidence in their top management’s ability to build and execute a global talent strategy. 2