Concerning the ten different therapist interventions described under ‘Methodology’, there are few or no differences in LTG and STG when it comes to ‘open facilitation’, ‘no immediate response’, ‘action’ or ‘self-disclosure’ (see pp. 19–21). This means that the clinical examples from LTG also should be relevant for STG. In addition we have included two interventions that are especially important in STG, ‘Staying with the focus’ and ‘Switching to the here-and-now’ (see pp. 54, 58, 59 and 66). ‘Maintenance of structure’ is also very similar in both formats. However, as mentioned earlier, in STG boundary incidents should be monitored and used more actively (see 60). This may more quickly give the therapist an understanding of individual problems as well as disturbances in the process, and provide the information that may be used to promote the group process further (see examples in the previous section).