The NATIONAL ASSEMBLY FOR WALES EU OFFICE was established in Brussels in 2000 and acts as a link for this region of the United Kingdom with the European Union (EU) and its institutions. The Office is staffed by Assembly officials and is directly accountable to the National Assembly of Wales. It is also part of the United Kingdom Permanent Representation (UKREP) family and works closely with officials from UKREP and alongside the Office of the Northern Ireland Executive in Brussels (ONIEB) and Scotland Europa. The office was set up as a consequence of devolving powers to Wales in 1999. The Assembly seeks to engage directly with the EU across a broad front and the Brussels Office has several functions. These include: providing intelligence and information for ministers and committees from the Welsh Assembly; taking a policy lead on EU horizontal issues and constitutional developments; providing specialist support and acting as a focal point for Assembly visitors and staff based in Brussels; acting as the public face of the Assembly in Brussels; and representing the Assembly on a range of Brussels-based working groups.