Appraisal is a broad term which includes more than merely “testing clients.” Appraisal could include a survey, observations, or even clinical interviews. Choices “b,” “c,” and “d” are thus too limited. A test is simply an instrument which measures a given sample of behavior. When we use the term measure it merely connotes that a number or score has been assigned to the person’s attribute or performance. An effective counselor will always inform clients about the limitations of any test that he or she administers. Some evidence indicates that neophyte counselors are sometimes tempted to administer

tests merely to boost their credibility. I think it is safe to say this is not a desirable practice. (a)

602. A test can be defined as a systematic method of measuring a sample of behavior. Test format refers to the manner in which test items are presented. The format of an essay test is considered a(n) _______ format.