The federal government passed the McKinney–Vento Homeless Assistance Act to protect the educational rights of homeless youth. The mere existence of McKinney–Vento is a testament to the federal government’s acknowledgement that homeless youth face unique educational challenges. McKinney–Vento requires states, districts and schools to review and modify any policies that create a barrier to homeless youth’s participation in the educational process. This includes making available backpacks, uniforms and supplies free of charge as well as enrolling homeless youth immediately regardless of if transcripts and immunization records are available. These youth also get to stay at the same school when residential mobility occurs within district boundaries. Many of the mandates remain unfulfilled. For example, over 75% of school districts nationwide report that transportation barriers exist for homeless youth (National Center for Homeless Education, 2007). The law has undergone several revisions, including the controversial inclusion of doubled-up youth in the definition of homelessness. 1 State, local and district school staff have been slow to classify doubled-up youth under the protections of McKinney–Vento, in part due to suspicion that families may be abusing the law (Ascher & Phenix, 2006). None of the youth in this study was properly identified by the school district or took advantage of the legal protections. Kylee’s mother was stunned to find out that a federal mandate existed that may offer assistance with enrollment, school supplies and uniforms.